well nth much to blog abt today as it was a preety boting day. morning with edev tutorial and then comprog lab test...first question was preety much do-able and sio was the second queston..but didnot have time to complete..-.- then 2hr break. went to eat at breadboard and played cards until sian.
my joker colection
went off to print a few minutes later psycho project but lazy to queue up and asked kendrick to do it. went in class early and debbie was like nagging coz didnt go for lecture again...subject head was there to take a look at the class and i was preety sure kendrick dozed off for like the whole lesson or so while i was very much active coz we were talking abt psychological disorders...hmmm..dunno why so up when talking about crazy people...
some things happened between leonard ray and haziq, too lazy to go into details.haha..i was nearly in that group but teacher somehow detected b4 i moved that something was wrong..hmm..debbie is a psycho. maybe?
anyways went home after that and packed my stuffs for australia.tonnning tmr coz its preeety much useless for me to sleep becausegoing off in friday morning and reaching there in the evening dunno what to say.
will be back on tuesday night and seriously hope that wont be too jetlag if presentation suay2 get on next wednesday.

Hmm...mood now a days seem so gloomy...trying to help people but failing at every corner.even my health has taken a toll. to everyone i seem so up cheery and everything positive to say but cant really feel a thing.shit im depressing..how to help others when cant even help myself? preety much down coz cant help much to others. by helpng others bring me joy..and it loops back one round..
And before i 4gt to all my fellow friends who are celebrating the new year just wanna say Happy New Year in advance coz wont be around my laptop when the time comes. anf to the rest well enjoy the long weekend..hahas
can see that my cards were crap...lolz
there were only 3 playing in the grp and i was like playing preety badly..went off to print a few minutes later psycho project but lazy to queue up and asked kendrick to do it. went in class early and debbie was like nagging coz didnt go for lecture again...subject head was there to take a look at the class and i was preety sure kendrick dozed off for like the whole lesson or so while i was very much active coz we were talking abt psychological disorders...hmmm..dunno why so up when talking about crazy people...
some things happened between leonard ray and haziq, too lazy to go into details.haha..i was nearly in that group but teacher somehow detected b4 i moved that something was wrong..hmm..debbie is a psycho. maybe?
anyways went home after that and packed my stuffs for australia.tonnning tmr coz its preeety much useless for me to sleep becausegoing off in friday morning and reaching there in the evening dunno what to say.
will be back on tuesday night and seriously hope that wont be too jetlag if presentation suay2 get on next wednesday.

Hmm...mood now a days seem so gloomy...trying to help people but failing at every corner.even my health has taken a toll. to everyone i seem so up cheery and everything positive to say but cant really feel a thing.shit im depressing..how to help others when cant even help myself? preety much down coz cant help much to others. by helpng others bring me joy..and it loops back one round..
And before i 4gt to all my fellow friends who are celebrating the new year just wanna say Happy New Year in advance coz wont be around my laptop when the time comes. anf to the rest well enjoy the long weekend..hahas
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